Thursday 12 January 2012

Starting from scratch...

Welcome to my newest blog!  I don't know exactly why I decided to create a blog again, seeing as I rarely get past 2 posts without completely failing...but here's to a New year and a New Blog!  

I've titled this one "My Bikram Challenge" because that is what it will be about.  Now since I've became a mom, and now a working mom, finding time to workout has been a challenge for me.  I've tried going to the gym before work at 6am...that worked for awhile, but those who know me know that I'm not a great morning person.  After I get home from work, for most parents, is a gong show, so getting to go workout after work is usually a fail for me..and to be perfectly honest...once I'm home, I like to stay home.
Now I've tried yoga and hot yoga before....I do like it, but I suck at it....and the reason I suck at it is probably because I haven't really committed myself to it totally....and the reason I haven't committed to it totally is because I suck at it.  You can see the dilemma here...:(
So, as it is a new year, and I've decided to have a new outlook on fitness and yoga, this is my attempt to start over and try to commit to something for at least 30 days.
Here are the reasons I've chosen Bikrams yoga for my new exercise of choice:

  • It is a Low impact exercise: because I hate running!
  • A new Bikram's yoga studio opened in the building I work it.  I literally work right above the studio.
  • I have several friends who love it, and I have read several blogs and other articles about people whose lives have really been transformed by it.
Here is one example of an article I read that was particularly good. Now she did it for 60 days, but I will try to be more realistic and try for 30 days first:

One more reason I chose Bikram's....I was surfing on the Bikram Yoga Vancouver website and there was a quote by the founder, Bikram Choudhury, that struck a chord with me:

"You are never too late, never too old, never too bad, never too sick, to start from scratch and begin again."

This quote was particularly meaningful for me.  I appreciated the optimistic spirit in this quote, which I'm hoping will keep my inner procrastinator in check.

I decided sometime ago that I would try this, but I wanted to wait for my kids birthdays, Christmas and all other distractions (=excuses) to be minimal before I attempt the challenge.  Now, I'm not planning on going for 30 days straight.  I will go 4 days a week for a month and try to document my progression in this blog.
My day 1 will be Monday, January 16.  My first class is free, because Bikram Yoga Vancouver offers new students a free introductory class for local residents.  In briefly speaking to one of the co-owners, 3-4 days a week is really what is necessary to benefit from Bikram's yoga.  I will take her word for it....

I'm not scared of the heat...but I am definitely intimidated by the yoga.  I am hoping that this will be not only a 30 day challenge but will turn into a lifestyle change for me.  Please comment if you have tried Bikram's, are currently practicing, or are interested...or have any thoughts about it.  I'm happy to hear what you have to say about it.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Marian! I'll be cheering you on everyday. I'm personally a Bikrams hater (can't stand that heat for 90 minutes!), but I'm so excited for you doing yoga regularly-since you know how I feel about yoga :) I'm on my day 11 of 30 days of yoga so we'll be doing our challenges together. I'm very interested to hear your thoughts throughout the process. I'll be waiting for you on the other side.....You go Girl!
