Sunday 22 January 2012

Darn that Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana!!!

Day 5, Class 4

Friday's class is packed....the most packed I've ever seen....and it's HOT...noticably hotter than before.  My sweat is dripping  from my forehead 2 minutes into the class. Things are going along merrily until about 1/2 way through.
Right at the end of " Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose" or "Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana" (yeah, say that one 5 times fast)...right when I'm coming up from being bent...I feel a sharp pain in my right lower back....sort of a stabbing pain.  I'm thinking "uh oh!"  After I get to standing I realize I'm in big trouble.  I have just strained-pulled my lower back.  I can't bend anymore.  It's actually difficult to move around.  I'm not sure what to do.  I try sitting on my knees for awhile.  I can't do anymore poses.  My teacher asks me if I'm ok...I'm not ok, but I'm not sure what else to say.   There is still 45 minutes left in the class.  We are about to start the lying down series of poses.  I then lie on my stomach for awhile while everyone proceeds with the cobra and lotus poses.  I'm not sure what to do.  I'm in some pain, but think that the heat in the room might be beneficial to my current situation.  At the same time, every bone in my body is wanting to pick up my mat and drag my sorry butt out of the room.  I decide to stay in the room for the remainder of the class, even if that means I just sit there.  I do try to change my position, as painful as it is.  I try sitting on my bum, leaning against the wall, lying on my back, lying on my stomach, child's pose, etc....nothing is really helping.  Finally the class ends and I slowly manage to get up and get to the packed change room.  I then painfully proceed to slowly put my clothes on...and painfully walk back to my office.  (did I mention that I was in pain??)
After getting my stuff back to my office, calling Viv to come pick me up...I remember what my chiropractor said the day before...(see my previous post).  I was skeptical of her words...she said that she's heard of people overdoing it and injuring themselves.....To think that I thought I was smarter than a chiropractor!!!
I'm disappointed that this has happened.  I don't want this injury to stop me from my 30 day challenge.  I am still going to continue after this injury heals.  I think a week or two should be long enough for it to heal.  If anything, I think the yoga will help with the healing.  As of now, it's a bit to acute to try.   I just have to see if Bikram's will hold my membership for a week or two until I heal...No the words of the Terminator..."I'll be back".


  1. I'm so proud of you for taking this on, and blogging about it. Good for you! Hope your back gets better soon so you can continue your challenge.

  2. Oh No Marian! I hope you recover soon so you can get back on that horse! Bikrams has not defeated you!!
