Monday 13 February 2012

Back in the saddle :)

I am back!!
Today was my first class back after a 3 week hiatus due to injury.  I was walking in knowing I was under-hydrated, but I thought I'd see how it went.  First thing I noticed, there were WAY less people in the class.  Now I don't know if that has anything to do with the instructor, or maybe all the January-New Year Resolution-people were no longer there.  Nevertheless, it was a much nicer, more spacious situation.  However, despite the smaller class size, the classroom felt DAMN hot.  I guess I haven't been here in awhile...I don't remember it being so hot.
Anyway, I have a new instructor this time.  Her name is Rea.  She is a very nice, incredibly fit woman.  She is kind to me and several other beginners.  I definitely took it easy because I didn't want to get injured again.   As we first started, I could still feel a bit of my nagging injury, but I took care to flex my core as to not stress my back.  The move that I injured myself..."Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose" or "Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana"...I skipped altogether....I was still alive by the time we got half way...We were so close, but so far from the end.  I made it through most of the floor section....It was REALLY REALLY hot about 3/4 through. I wasn't sure if I would make it.  I couldn't grip anything (my knees, my feet) because my skin was just too wet and as a result, made for some difficult poses. A couple people left part way through and came back.  I am SOOOOO envious when this happens...I can just imagine the cool air hitting their face and entering their pores and am SOOOO jealous.  But I did say to myself from the very beginning of this challenge...I would stay in the matter what.
Well, I made it through a very long 90 min.  I've decided to ease back in, and do 3 days this week.
Til Wednesday, Namaste.  :)